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Welcome to OpenTalk AI

At OpenTalk AI, we provide early, accessible, 24/7, stigma-free, and empathetic mental health support and resources to individuals. Our AI chatbot Moot offers empathetic listening, science and research-backed guidance for self-help, and we have a library of mental health resources as well as AI-powered well-being quizzes. We are here to help you take care of your well-being, every step of the way.

Our Mission

Redefining Mental Health Support

At OpenTalk AI, we believe that everyone should have access to mental health support, without stigma or barriers. We are here to redefine the way you get mental health support and resources. We aim to provide early, accessible, 24/7, stigma-free, and empathetic mental health support and resources to individuals worldwide, prioritising your well-being and promoting mental health awareness.

Moot offers a stigma-free space for you to check in with your well-being, while our anonymous AI-powered Well-BQs Health Assessments give you a better understanding of your well-being – and they are tied together by the Resource Library, which provides a large variety of content to assist you in your self-care journey.

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